The closest known exoplanet to the Solar System, located in the habitable zone of its star, Proxima Centauri.
Location: Constellation Cygnus
Type: Rocky
Orbital period: 3.2 days
Distance: 4.24 light-years
Often referred to as "Earth's cousin," Kepler-452b orbits within the habitable zone of a Sun-like star.
Location: Constellation Cygnus
Type: Super-Earth
Orbital period: 385 days
Distance: 1,400 light-years
Known for its deep blue color and extreme weather conditions, including rain of molten glass.
Location: Constellation Vulpecula
Type: Gas Giant
Orbital period: 2.2 days
Distance: 63 light-years
Part of the Trappist-1 system, which contains seven Earth-sized planets. Trappist-1e is considered potentially habitable.
Location: Constellation Aquarius
Type: Terrestrial
Orbital period: 6.1 days
Distance: 39 light-years
A "Hot Jupiter" known for its extremely high temperatures and being one of the darkest known exoplanets, reflecting very little light.
Location: Constellation Aurigas
Type: Hot Jupiter
Orbital period: 1.1 days
Distance: 1,400 light-years